Quick Review:
- Genesis 1: We Are Introduced to God as the Creator of all things and humanity is his crowning achievement. The very pinnacle of creation!
- Genesis 2: We discover from the very beginning we were destined to be his people with a personal relationship with him that was different from everything else he created. We were destined to rule and reign and have dominion over all things with him!
- Genesis 3: Here we find that sin is introduced which brings about the fall of the entire human race.
- Genesis 4-11: In this section we see the devastating effects of sin. Sin multiplies and explodes across the earth, leaving us with the question; how will this all end?
- Genesis 12-50: Here we begin to see God's plan of redemption unfold. It begins by the Creator of all things coming to Abraham and making an unbreakable covenant based on the most dependable thing in the universe; God himself. This covenant is begun to be walked out by Isaac and then Jacob and then his 12 sons.
- Of those 12 sons, we spend the last quarter of the book of Genesis zeroing in on the life of Joseph, who through some amazing circumstances and because of God's covenant to Abraham, was raised to the second most powerful position in Egypt! This enabled him to not only save his own family from starvation due to famine, but literally save millions of people's lives from around the known world.
- Because Joseph was now in charge of distributing food during this severe famine, Jacob saw that it was wise to move his whole family to Egypt where they could grow and prosper as a people under the protective oversight of Joseph.
- The book of Genesis then ends with the death of Jacob which now sets the scene for the book of Exodus.